Saturday, 17 August 2013

C# Quiz Application

You can use it for your recruitment process. It is small application thatworks well.

About Quiz

The test contains 8 questions and there is a time limit of 5 mint.  These questions and time is increased according to your organisation need.
The test is not official, it's just a nice way to see how much you know, or don't know, about ASP.

Count Your Score
You will get 1 point for each correct answer. At the end of the Quiz, your total score will be displayed. Maximum score is 20 points.

Purpose : For employee recruitment process.

if you have any problem , feel free to contact me via mail or comment.

Friday, 16 August 2013

TELIUM Naming Conventions

Some naming conventions that are used in TELIUM documentations and that must be known !
- module : software loaded into the terminal, it can be a DLL, an OS, an application, a component or the Manager
- application : software that has a human interface and under the control of the Manager
- Manager : a particular application that controls all the applications and components
- Scheme : a particular application executed in the crypto processor : a scheme comes with an application, a manager or a DLL
- DLL : a dynamic linked library executed in the context of the linked application. A DLL is loaded separately. Manager has some DLLs.
- Component : application that does not have human interface and under the control of the Manager

Some usefull tips for easier development

Reset terminal
• Press «.» and «Yellow» keys at the same time
Turn to LLT mode
• Reset then hole «arrow up» key or access loading menu throug F0211
– Delete all software, including parameters files
• Reset, then at boot hold F1 («*» is displayed)
Then press quickly F4 («**» is displayed)
Then press quickly F2 («***» is displayed)
Then press quickly F3 («LLT» is displayed)

(F1, F2, F3, F4, delete all software except parameters files)
(Note that LLT or Simulator will work only if trace is not activated on USB. If EFT resets :
execute «reset» + «arrow up» to force LLT mode, download system.cfg with disable trace and restart

Delete one application
• Reset, then at boot when «- - -» appears, press quickly «F2» (or «2» on ICT220/250)
In menu, select «deletion», select one application, press «enter» and reset terminal again
Enter code «26» for selection by number, code «07» for selection in a list

To wake up an EFT930
• Press «paper feed» key
– To turn it off an EFT 930
• Execute a reset
(If outside the base, it will turn off. If on the base, it will just reset and stay power on)